PSDF Scholarship Fund

Scholarship Program Mission Statement The scholarship program of the Pacific Swing Dance Foundation (PSDF) is committed to helping dancers who have been disproportionately affected by discrimination and structural inequalities in society to fully participate in swing dance culture, to include attending swing dance events. Barriers to participation are often related to factors such as race and ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, social class, income level, disability status, and age; however, this list is not exhaustive and the scholarship committee recognizes that dancers have unique lived experiences of inequality that may involve a combination of these and other factors. The scholarship committee will fulfill this commitment…

$9,970.00 donated
65 Donors


  1. Camp Hollywood is a phenomenal event and I’m honored to help another individual get to experience it. This donation is to support CH’s scholarship fund.

  2. I appreciate the focus of your fundraiser to make to community more accessible and inclusive

  3. Giving back a little something so someone else can experience the joy of attending Camp Hollywood! ❤️

  4. Find out what you’re passionate about when it comes to swing dancing, be it teaching, jazz music, scene building, performing, etc, and do it! I hope this donation helps dancers to have the opportunities to learn and grow in their love of swing dancing.

  5. The swing dance community has done so much for me, so I’d like to take this chance to give back. Camp Hollywood has been a life changing event for me I’d like to help other people experience it!

  6. Swing dancing has positively affected every part of my life. It has been a creative outlet, a source of inspiration, a supportive community and a living, moving connection to history as I learned directly from the legends who explored and created this dance firsthand. It has connected me to dance friends and a lovely international dance community and opened many doors of opportunity for me. I want to help pass forward this life-changing opportunity to the next generations of dancers. May we inspire you to inspire the world! Swing the Wing & Whip the Hip

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