The PSDF board of directors met about a week ago to discuss what, if anything, PSDF can do to help the swing dance scene during the necessary swing dance shutdowns related to COVID-19. PSDF is not wealthy enough to simply write checks to those whose swing dance income has dried up, but we do have a few internal competencies that might prove helpful.
First, our mission of collecting and preserving swing-dance related video and audio means we can invest in digital tools that can also be used by struggling swing dance artists. Effective immediately, anyone may request to use PSDF’s professional Zoom account to conduct meetings and webinars with up to 500 participants. PSDF will provide technical support to those who need it and make sure that those using our systems are paid their revenues.

Use of these resources may be subject to nominal “floor fees” to defray account expenses, and PSDF reserves the right to deny use for purposes that fall outside PSDF’s mission.
If you would like to use PSDF’s Zoom account contact in**@pa*************************.org.
Second, since we are also dedicated to collecting new interviews with dancers, we will be increasing the priority of projects like collecting new interviews and editing and distributing existing interviews. Look for specific project announcements soon.