

New Board Member: Denise Minns-Harris

January 25, 2025, Altadena California Pacific Swing Dance Foundation (PSDF) is pleased to announce that Denise Minns-Harris was officially inducted onto the PSDF Board of Directors in January 2025. Her appointment was publicly announced today at the California Balboa Classic.…

Rhythm Relief & the LA Fires

PSDF HQ Devastation

You may have heard, but Tuesday night, Pacific Swing Dance Foundation lost its headquarters in the Eaton Fire in Altadena, CA. If you’d like to help PSDF recover, and provide relief to other dancers who’ve been burned out, please PSDF…

Can’t We All Just Have Fun?

Last Saturday at Camp Hollywood 2024 PSDF sponsored and produced an amazing panel discussion: The video and audio will be posted soon on our YouTube Channel so stay tuned!

Atomic Ballroom Summer FUNdraiser

Thank you to all who donated to the Summer FUNdraiser or participated in the Silent Auction. In all, we raised $3,345.00—about 67% of our goal! To give credit where it’s due: In July, Atomic Ballroom approached PSDF to suggest partnering…

Achievement Unlocked: 501(c)(3) Status!

When we started Pacific Swing Dance Foundation in 2018, we had little inkling how arduous it would be to achieve federal non-profit status. The process involves delivering hundreds of pages of financial and legal information to the IRS and wading…

Rhythm Relief Follow Up

On June 16, 2020, we e-mailed this update to all of our contributors: Thank You! Thanks to you and almost 1,000 other patrons, Pacific Swing Dance Foundation has collected just over $85,000 to aid full-time swing dance artists who’ve had…

Living History: Sylvia Sykes

During today’s Rhythm Relief fundraiser, we aired an informational spot about PSDF and the Pacific Swing Dance Archive. You can support this effort right now by contributing to the Pacific Swing Dance Archive Living History project: In the past two…

R.I.P. Roy Damron

We were recently in touch with Roy Damron’s caretaker and learned of his death in early January, 2020. In 2018, PSDF sent Bobby White to Roy’s home in Hawaii where he, assisted by Deb Eason, spent three days interviewing Roy…

Rhythm Relief FundRaiser May 23

Rhythm Relief Fundraiser

At PSDF, we’ve been trying to find ways to help swing artists who’ve lost income. So, a couple of weeks ago, Nick Williams approaches and says “I have an idea…” We are thrilled to be able to support Nick with…